Frequently Asked Questions on Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney

Frequently Asked Questions on Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney

What is Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that erupt during late adolescence. Most of the times, these teeth will not erupt fully and cause discomfort. Sometimes, the wisdom teeth get overcrowded, do not have enough space to erupt fully or grow in the wrong direction, causing severe pain and discomfort. When wisdom teeth cause pain or discomfort, it’s wise to consider wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. During the procedure, your dentist will cut open the jaw and remove the impacted teeth. Usually, the surgery is done under anaesthesia, as the process is painful and causes too much stress to the patients.

Here are a few reasons that require you to remove wisdom teeth in Sydney.

  • Your wisdom teeth are impacted and cannot fully erupt or come through the jaw.
  • There is not enough room for your wisdom teeth to emerge fully.
  • Your wisdom teeth are causing too much pain and discomfort.
  • You have difficulty opening your mouth when speaking or eating.
  • The wisdom teeth are causing damage to the adjacent teeth.
  • Partially erupted wisdom teeth cause infection.

Wisdom teeth erupt in later teens or adulthood, from ages 17 to 25. You should consider getting cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney if you are experiencing pain or discomfort with your wisdom teeth. Before getting your wisdom teeth removed, consult you dentist and determine your oral health. The decision to remove the wisdom teeth is made depending on the seriousness of the issue and the health of the patient. Your dentist will perform an initial check and determine the best course of treatment plan to remove the wisdom teeth.

Looking for ‘wisdom teeth removal near me?’ Contact us today!

The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney varies widely depending on the following factors.

  • The complexity of the procedure
  • Location of the clinic
  • The availability of dental insurance
  • The level of experience of the dental surgeon
  • Impacted fully or partially
  • The requirement for local or general anaesthesia and more

On average, the cost of removing all four wisdom teeth is $970. To know more about wisdom teeth removal near me, call us today!

Yes! Wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is a painful procedure as the dentist makes a small incision in the jaw to remove the impacted teeth. However, to ease the pain, local or general anaesthesia is administered, after carefully evaluating the oral and overall health of the patients. Immediately after the surgery, pain medications are administered to lessen or eliminate the pain and swelling in the surgical site.

Considering ‘wisdom teeth removal near me?’ Contact our experts today!

Swelling, bleeding, and pain immediately after the wisdom teeth removal procedure are normal. Your dentist will prescribe over-the-counter medicines and painkillers to alleviate the pain from the surgical site. After wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, take plenty of rest and don’t engage any strenuous activity that could dislodge the clot. Also, make changes to your diet and take only soft or liquid foods, a few days after the surgery to prevent dislodging of the clot. Avoid brushing your teeth for two days after surgery, but rinse the surgical site thoroughly with warm water to prevent infection. Follow the after-care tips provided by your dental expert for a quick recovery.

The recovery time after wisdom teeth removal in Sydney varies from person to person. In general, the recovery time is from two weeks to several months. In healthy individuals, the recovery time is two weeks and for others it may vary depending on the condition of your health. The recovery time also depends on the complexity of the procedure, and the number of teeth you’ve extracted. Always follow the after-care instructions provided by the dental professionals to speed up the wisdom teeth recovery time.

  • Choose easy-to-chew foods that require minimal effort to consume, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, scrambled eggs, and smoothies.
  • Avoid hard or crunchy foods. Steer clear of tough or crunchy foods that could irritate the surgical site or dislodge blood clots, including nuts, chips, popcorn, and raw vegetables.
  • Stay hydrated by consuming plenty of fluids like water, broth, herbal tea, and fruit juices (avoid citrus juices that may cause irritation).
  • Avoid hot or spicy foods that may increase swelling or discomfort, and instead choose foods served at room temperature or slightly chilled.
  • Ensure your diet includes enough nutrients for healing, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. Consider incorporating soft fruits, cooked vegetables, yogurt with added protein, and fortified soups.
  • Refrain from using straws, as the sucking motion could disrupt blood clot formation and increase the risk of developing a dry socket.

As you progress in your recovery, gradually reintroduce solid foods back into your diet, starting with softer options and gradually transitioning to more substantial foods as tolerated.

Yes! It’s possible to remove all four wisdom teeth during a single procedure. However, the discomfort caused during the recovery time is great compared to single tooth removal. Removing one or multiple wisdom teeth depends on individual preferences, health conditions, and the extent of infection or damage caused by wisdom teeth. So, consult your dentist to choose the best wisdom teeth removal plan for you.

Here are the possible complications one might face if the wisdom teeth are not removed.

  • Wisdom teeth often do not have enough space to fully emerge, leading to impaction, where the teeth become trapped beneath the gum line or against adjacent teeth. This leads to pain, swelling and infection.
  • Wisdom teeth can exert pressure on neighbouring teeth as they attempt to erupt, causing misalignment and crowding of the teeth.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth can push against adjacent teeth, causing damage such as decay, erosion of enamel, or even fracturing of nearby teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth that are trapped beneath the gum line can sometimes develop cysts or tumours.
  • When not removed, infected wisdom teeth cause issues that can lead to sinus problems such as sinusitis or chronic sinus infections.
  • Impaction
  • Infection
  • Crowding
  • Damage to adjacent teeth
  • Cysts and tumours

Dry sockets are common after a tooth extraction procedure. This occurs when the blood clot that forms in the extraction site either fails to develop properly or becomes dislodged too soon. The dislodged clot exposes the underlying bone and nerves, leading to intense pain and discomfort. When you get dry sockets, it delays the healing process and increases the risk of infection.

The recovery time for wisdom teeth extraction typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks. However, the recovery time depends on several factors such as the complexity of the procedure, the number of teeth removed, your healing ability, and more.

The cost of single wisdom tooth removal using a simple procedure is $250 to $280. However, the cost of removing wisdom teeth with more complexities is $265 to $390.

Yes! It would be easy and more convenient to remove all wisdom teeth in a single procedure. However, the number of teeth to be removed depends on the individual health condition, the extent of the infection, and the complexity of the procedure. During the initial consultation, your dentist will analyse your case and provide a detailed treatment plan on how and when to remove wisdom teeth.

Yes! Wisdom teeth removal is a painful procedure and it’s recommended to undergo the removal process under anaesthesia. Depending on your overall health and the complexity of the case, your dentist will suggest you to take local or general anaesthesia. When local anaesthesia is applied, you will be awake during the procedure but there will not be pain as the surgical site will be numb due to the anaesthetic effect. If you choose general anaesthesia, you will not be awake and it ensures you stay comfortable and relaxed throughout the procedure.

Taking out wisdom teeth usually doesn’t change how your face looks much. Sometimes, if the wisdom teeth caused big changes to your jaw, removing them might slightly change how symmetrical your face looks. But usually, any changes to facial appearance are minor and not easy to see.

No! There is no need to break the jaw to remove the wisdom teeth. During the wisdom teeth remove, a small incision is made in the surgical site to expose the impacted wisdom teeth, remove the bone blocking the tooth, and gently extract the tooth out of the socket. Usually, the procedure is safe and gentle.