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Dos and Don’ts in the First 24 Hours After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After wisdom teeth removal, it is important to follow certain dos and don’ts to ensure a smooth recovery process. By taking care of your oral health in the first 24 hours, you can minimize the risk of complications and promote healing. Read on to know the dos and don’ts to follow after wisdom teeth removal.


Stick to Soft Foods and Stay Hydrated:

After having your wisdom teeth removed, it’s important to eat the right kinds of food and drink plenty of fluids. Go for foods that are easy to eat and don’t require much chewing, like smoothies, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and soups. These types of food won’t disturb the area where your teeth were removed and help avoid any unnecessary pain. Drinking lots of water is also key for your recovery.

Rinse Your Mouth Gently with Salt Water:

Gently rinsing with salt water is a great way to keep the area where your wisdom teeth were removed clean and help prevent infection. To make this rinse, dissolve a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm, not hot, water. Swish this solution gently around your mouth for about 30 seconds, then spit it out. It’s especially helpful to do this after you eat to make sure no food particles are left in the surgery sites. Aim to rinse with salt water a few times each day.

Follow Your Dentist’s Pain Management Instructions:

After your wisdom teeth are removed, your dentist will give you advice on how to manage any pain you might feel. It’s super important to listen to and follow these instructions. If your dentist gives you painkillers, make sure you use them just like they say. Don’t take more or less than recommended. These guidelines are there to help control your discomfort while you heal. Talk to an expert if you’d like to know about the wisdom teeth removal cost today.

Monitor for Any Signs of Complications:

After your wisdom teeth Sydney are removed, it’s normal to expect some swelling and discomfort, but you should also be aware of how your body is healing. Being vigilant can help you catch any issues early on, ensuring your recovery stays on track.

If you start to see signs that seem off, such as bleeding that doesn’t stop, pain that escalates instead of improving, or symptoms that suggest an infection (like pus around the extraction site, an unpleasant taste in your mouth, or a fever), it’s crucial to get in touch with your dentist right away.


Don’t Smoke or Chew Tobacco:

Both smoking and chewing tobacco can seriously mess up your healing process. Nicotine, the stuff in tobacco that gets you hooked, is bad news for healing wounds. Plus, smoking can suck out the blood clot that’s helping your mouth heal, just like using a straw can. And without that clot, you’re at a higher risk for dry socket.

Don’t Involve in Any Physical Activity:

During the first 24 hours, especially, try to do as little as possible. Light walks around your home are okay, but anything that raises your heartbeat or could strain your body should be off-limits. This means no sports, heavy exercising, or engaging in activities that require a lot of effort during the wisdom teeth removal recovery period. Allow yourself this time to relax and heal.

Don’t Use Straws to Prevent Dry Socket:

One of the crucial things to remember after having your wisdom teeth taken out is not to use straws. When you use a straw, the sucking action can mess with the healing process. Specifically, it might pull away the blood clot that’s forming at the site where your teeth were removed. This blood clot is important because it helps your mouth heal. If it gets dislodged, you could end up with dry socket.

Don’t Eat Hard or Crunchy Foods:

Right after you get your wisdom teeth out, your mouth will be sensitive for a few days. Things like nuts, chips, and hard candies can poke or scratch the spots where your teeth were taken out. This can hurt a lot and could even cause the area to start bleeding again or get infected. It’s also easy for tiny pieces of these hard foods to get stuck in the healing spots, which is something you definitely want to avoid. So, for now, stick to softer foods that are gentle on your mouth.

Taking care of yourself after wisdom teeth removal is super important. If anything feels wrong or if you have questions, your dentist is there to help. Make sure you keep in touch with them. Search “wisdom teeth removal near me” online and get in touch with a professional today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How long should I stick to soft foods after wisdom teeth removal?

    After wisdom teeth removal, it’s important to stick to soft foods for at least the first 3-5 days. Eating soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies helps protect the healing area from irritation.

    Gradually, you can start introducing semi-soft foods like scrambled eggs and pasta, but avoid anything hard, crunchy, or sticky for about two weeks. This gives your mouth time to heal properly and reduces the risk of disrupting the blood clot that forms in the extraction site, which is crucial for healing.

    2. Why is it important to avoid using straws after wisdom teeth removal?

    Using straws after wisdom teeth removal can cause a problem known as a “dry socket.” When you suck on a straw, the pressure created can dislodge the blood clot that forms over the extraction site. This blood clot is essential for protecting the bone and nerve endings underneath and helps with the healing process. If it gets dislodged, it can lead to severe pain and delay healing. To avoid this, it’s best to drink directly from a glass and steer clear of straws for at least a week after surgery.

    3. What should I do if I notice unusual pain or swelling after my wisdom teeth removal?

    Some swelling and discomfort are normal after wisdom teeth removal, but if you notice unusual pain, excessive swelling, or other signs like persistent bleeding, pus, or a bad taste in your mouth, it could indicate a complication like an infection or dry socket. In such cases, it’s important to contact your dentist as soon as possible. They may need to check the extraction site and provide additional treatment to ensure your recovery stays on track. Early intervention can prevent more serious issues from developing.

    4. How often should I rinse my mouth with salt water, and why is it necessary?

    You should rinse your mouth with salt water 2-3 times a day starting 24 hours after your surgery. This gentle rinse helps keep the extraction site clean, reduces the risk of infection, and promotes healing. To make the rinse, mix a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water. Gently swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds, especially after meals, to help remove any food particles that could irritate the wound. Be careful not to spit forcefully, as this could dislodge the blood clot.

    5. Can I smoke after getting my wisdom teeth removed if I’m careful?

    It’s strongly advised not to smoke for at least 72 hours after wisdom teeth removal. Smoking can interfere with the healing process in several ways. First, the sucking motion while smoking can dislodge the blood clot, leading to dry socket, which is very painful. Second, the chemicals in tobacco can slow down healing and increase the risk of infection. If you can, try to avoid smoking altogether during your recovery period. If quitting is difficult, consider using nicotine patches or seeking advice from your dentist on managing nicotine cravings during this time.


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